Tampa Bay Elder Law Center is a BBB Accredited Elder Law Attorney in Tampa, FL

Tampa Bay Elder Law Center

        855-FLA-ELDER  (855-352-3533)


 Featured Attorney Elder Law

About Us


Debra L. Dandar, J.D., LL.M.



Attorney Debra L. Dandar has an advanced legal degree (LL.M. - Masters of Law) in Elder Law. 

Attorney Dandar has personally dealt with issues facing Seniors, including those of her 94 year old grandmother, and issues facing Veterans in her own family, including those of her daughter who is an Army staff sergeant, and her son-in-law who is in Army Special Forces.

She believes that Seniors and Veterans should be treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve. 

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Contact us today to schedule an appointment with an elder law attorney who can help you with Estate Planning, Special Needs Trusts, Veterans' Benefits, Probate Administration, Trust Administration, Medicaid Planning, Wills, Trust, Durable Power of Attorney, Living Will, Health Care Surrogate Designations.